Camping Games

"Fun camping games, simply loaded with fun!"

Camping Games


Things Required:
  • Trash can or similar sized object

Game Instructions

Players stand in a circle and hold hands. A trash can is placed in the middle of the circle and the players should stand in a circle and hold hands each other.

The leader says 3-2-1-go at which point players, each player should hold the hand tightly next to them and try to pull the circle back so that other plays are pulled into the trashcan.

If a player touches the trash can and the two players let go of each other’s hands are considered as they are out. The last one remaining wins.

Animal Game

Things Required:
  • Bucket for each member of the team.

Game Instructions

All players should assemble on a center meeting place and give bucket for each player and ask them to meet back in one hour. The player whoever brings the largest live animal is the winner and some specific conditions are followed in this game.

    1. Hurting any animal is not allowed.
    2. Boundaries for where they can go to get animals.
    3. If a domesticated animal counts or not.
    4. Any animals that are not allowed (i.e. stealing the camp snake from the aquarium)
Oh, and be sure to return the animals afterwards :)

Awesome Ball

Things Required:
  • Ball, Two Large Garbage Cans, 10 to 20 chairs

Game Instructions


You will need at least a medium sized room, up to a basketball court. At each end of the room, about 6-8 feet from a wall, create a line of chairs facing outwards. Space out the chairs to spread the length of the ends of the room. This creates a sort of end zone area on each end of the room. For bigger rooms the end zone can be bigger. Then place a large empty garbage can in the middle of each end zone, it should be about 3-4 feet beyond the line of chairs. Then all you will need is two teams of 5-15 people and a ball. The ball can be a rubber kick ball or volley ball, nothing too small or too hard.


The goal of the game is simple. Get the more "baskets" than the other team. A basket is made by shooting, or bouncing the ball into the large garbage can, while staying behind the line of chairs. The teams are going opposite directions, shooting on one basket and defending the other. While moving up and down the court, the ball is always live, in the air or on the ground, and can be grabbed by either team. The player with the ball cannot run or walk; they must pass it or shoot it.


1. Neither team is allowed to shoot or guard inside the end zone line of chairs, the only time to go in the end zone is for the defensive team to retrieve a loose ball or ball that was scored in the basket.
2. If the player shooting the ball steps past the line of chairs it is an automatic turnover
3. If a player is caught walking while holding the ball, it is a turnover on the spot.
4. A shot made in the garbage can that knocks over the garbage can and then rolls out is not a scored basket.
Sometimes the ball will go in knocking over the garbage can but staying in, this is a scored basket.
5. Defenders must stay an arm-reach away from the opposing team member holding the ball
6. If playing with a mix of boys and girls, sometimes the boys dominate the play, so you can add a variant scoring rule: girls who score a basket count for two points instead of one.
7. You can play to a certain number of points scored or a time limit.

Back Scratch

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Players find a comfortable area and spread out on the floor, lying on their stomachs, face down, eyes closed. The facilitator walks around and taps 6 or 7 people who stand up.

The facilitator then reads a characteristic such as "good listener" or "leader". The people who are standing up then walk around the room and scratch the backs of all the people they think match that characteristic. The facilitator goes through around 10 or 12 characteristics.

The facilitator then has the scratchers lay back down with their eyes closed and the facilitator chooses 6 or 7 different people to stand up and it repeats until everyone has had a chance to stand.

Balloon Basketball

Things Required:
  • Basket ball

Game Instructions

To start the games first divide the members into two teams. Organize two rows of chairs, or they can be seated on the floor, approximately three feet apart. Position the huge waste basket at both ends. The teams alternating players will be called and the leader puts the balloon in play by tossing it in the middle. The players must hang about seated at all times. The purpose of the game is to bat the balloon down the court and score a basket. In standard basketball game, when the balloon is hit out of boundaries, the leader awards the other team the balloon to place in lay. The game can be played for a particular period of time or till a set score to be reached.

Balloon Foosball

Things Required:
  • 2 Balloons, chairs

Game Instructions

Arrange chairs in multiple pairs of rows with each pair having the seats back-to-back. Each row should be roughly 6 chairs long. Have players sit in the chair.

The chairs represent two teams - the direction the chair is facing signifies what team that student is on.

The facilitator drops two balloons in. Players may not stand but must try and hit the balloon over the opposing team to the next row. If a team hits the balloon over the last line of defenders, it counts as a goal.

Typically the game has multiple goals and tends to work well if game play does not stop between goals.

Balloon Relay Race

Things Required:
  • Balloons

Game Instructions

Each team requires two players of the same gender and must go down, around a cone, and back, twelve times, with a different pair going each time. The two members must side-hug and hold a balloon wedged between them and they have an only chance to touch the balloon with their hands if it drops. If it drops, the team must stay where they are until it is stuck back together. Team members may only go a second time if everyone on the team has already gone.

Balloon Stick

Things Required:
  • Balloons, Tape

Game Instructions

Team wraps a member in tape, sticky side out. All the other members then must blow up balloons and get them to stick on the player. This whole process may take five minutes. After five minutes, no more balloons may be placed on the person and the person running the game counts up the number of balloons stuck to the player.

Balloon Tag

Things Required:
  • Balloons (one for each person) and string/dental floss.

Game Instructions

Each player gets a balloon and a piece of string. Before starting players must blow up their balloon and tie one end of the string (string is no longer than 1 ft) to their ankle and the other end to the balloon.

The facilitator makes sure that players know the confined area they have to stay in. When the facilitator says go, players must try to pop other player's balloons by only using their feet.

When a player has his or her balloon popped, he or she must exit the playing field. The last one remaining their balloon is the winner.

Something that can be helpful is to decrease the playing field size as more players are eliminated.

Banana Ball

Things Required:
  • soccer field, soccer ball

Game Instructions

The object of the game is, like soccer, is to get the soccer ball in the opposing team's net. The guys have to play normal soccer rules (can only use their feet, body, and head). Girls may pick the ball up (ONLY IF it is already in the air) and run with it as well as pass it to other girls who may catch it with their hands, or pass it to guys who must receive it and play with it according to soccer rules.

Girls on the opposing team may try to tackle and strip the ball away from girls running with the ball. Guys may stand in the way of girls running with the ball but may not tackle them. A goalkeeper for each team can play normal goalkeeper rules and can touch the ball with his or her hands regardless of gender.

It can be helpful for the facilitator to make a boundary around each goal which cannot be crossed by either team (specifically to force girls to throw the ball into the goal rather than running it in).

Beach Tennis

Things Required:
  • Volleyball court, tennis balls, tennis racquets

Game Instructions

Players play tennis on a volleyball court with volleyball net at standard height. 2 - 4 players per team. Tennis racquets and tennis balls used.

Birdie on a Perch

Things Required:
  • Music with the ability to start and stop it.

Game Instructions

All players are asked to find a partner. Upon finding a partner, the facilitator should find some way of distinguishing who is the "birdie" and who is the "perch".

The "perches" then form a circle and the "birdies" form a larger circle around them. When the music starts, the circles walk opposite of one another so that partners are no longer together the whole time.

The facilitator then stops the music and the "birdies" and "perches" need to find their corresponding partner as fast as possible. The "perch" should get down on one knee and the "birdie" should sit on the "perch's" raised knee.

The last few pairs to find one another and assume the "birdie on a perch" position are eliminated from the game.

It is helpful if the facilitator has helpers to call players out.

Blanket Race

Things Required:
  • Blanket/Sheet

Game Instructions

Each team has a blanket. Each team will have five people carrying the blanket and one riding. Start at a line, and race around a certain point and back. Players must go down and back 10 times with a different person riding each time. Person who gets off the blanket has to take up carrying the next run, so players swap out who is carrying.

Blind leading the Blind

Things Required:
  • One blindfold and Random objects relating to task

Game Instructions

There are three main groups for this game:
1) The blindfolded person
2) the team spokesman
3) the team

A blindfolded person has a selected task is put on a field. The team spokesman faces away from the field and is not allowed to turn around to look at the field. The team stands in front of the spokesman, looking at the field, but the team is not allowed to talk. Through motions the team must try to get the spokesman (who can't see the field) to yell to the blindfolded person and explain what to do.

The facilitator has previously set up some task (i.e. go pick up a ball, bring it to a bucket, and put it in) and has told the team what the blindfolded person needs to accomplish.

Blind Shopping Cart

Things Required:
  • Shopping cart, blindfold

Game Instructions

Each team divides into groups of two. Pusher is blind; person sitting in shopping cart is not. One will ride the cart the other will push. Race starts at a line, have to go around certain point and back, and then switch riders/pushers. Must go down and back 10 times. Players may not repeat unless everyone has already gone.

Blob Tag

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

A designated area is decided upon to play. 8 people are then paired up, resulting in four groups. Everyone else spreads out over the playing field. The pairs of people try to run and tag other players. The two must remain holding hands while chasing others. If someone gets tagged, they must join the blog of people. The game ends when everyone is tagged.

Body Body

Things Required:
  • Deck of cards

Game Instructions

All players are given one card. Make sure only two cards are kings. Players do not show their cards to anyone but themselves. Players then put the cards back in a pile. Those that drew the kings know they are the killers - those that did not are civilians.

Players walk around a dark house at night (darker the better). A killer kills people by squeezing their shoulder. The squeezed person then falls to the ground silently and lies there.

When someone comes across a dead body, they yell "Body Body!" and everyone comes to that place and the lights go on.

Everyone then votes to decide who they think the killer is (based on where people were/are in the house). Whoever gets the most votes is eliminated. The dead person and the person voted off both sit in a designated area (the graveyard).

This continues until only the killer(s) are left or the killers are successfully voted off.

Bottle Fill Relay

Things Required:
  • Bucket

Game Instructions

In this game team members line up at the back the bucket on one side of the field, while one member from the team lies down at the other end, holding a bottle on their forehead.
To begin with it, the first member in the line dips cup into the bucket to fill it, he runs to bottle and pours the water from cup into the bottle. (Cup must be held at least waste high while pouring the water into the bottle). Once the cup of water is poured and then the person pouring replaces the person holding the bottle. Then the person returns to the other side with the cup and hands over it to the next person in line. This will continue until the bottle is filled.

British Bulldog

Things Required:
  • None.

Game Instructions

All the players line up on one end zone of a field. Five preselected players are in the middle and they are the "bulldogs". Those 5 yell out "1-2-3 British Bulldog!"

At that point all of the players run from one side of the field to the other. The bulldogs are trying to "capture" the players before they get to the other side.

In order to capture a player, the bulldogs must lift the player off the ground completely and while they are in the air say "1-2-3 British Bulldog". Bulldogs may team up in order to lift a player off the ground. If a player is captured, they then become bulldogs.

The last player or last few players to not get captured are declared the winners.

Bump, Set, Spike

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

To begin with In this first you form a circle and then every one stands in a circle and passes the beach ball around the circle. You can only just touch the ball once in a row. If the ball is being passed to you and if you touch it and then it hits the ground or you spike it and it does not hit another person then you got to sit in the middle of the circle. If someone hits the ball at you and if you are unable to hit it at someone else then you are out. The people in the middle of the circle try to grab the beach ball. If they catch it then everyone in the circle is out or not back in the game. The person who spiked the ball to the circle is now in the circle. The object is to make the last person standing.

Capture The Flag

Things Required:
  • Flag

Game Instructions

The participants are divided into two teams (we regularly put different coloured war paint on faces to tell who is in on which team). Each team contains a flag and hides it on their side of the playing area. Once when the game starts both sides try to find and capture the flag from the other side. But if someone touches them they are caught and got to go to jail. The only way they can be released out from jail is that if someone from there team touches the other side member and jails them or gets in to their teams jail and tag their teammate in the jail. The game ends when time runs out or whenever the one team gets another team's flag.

Car Push

Things Required:
  • 2 or more vehicles

Game Instructions

Each team pushes a car. Adult team leader drives and responsible for not hitting anyone/anything. Race will start at a line and teams will race around certain point and back.

Catch The Cane

Things Required:
  • Cane

Game Instructions

All players form a circle except with one player in the center. Each person on the circle is specified a number. The center player stands with the cane upright, holding it with one finger. Without caution, he lifts the finger from the cane and calls out a number on the spot. The person assigned that number in a hurry comes forward and tries to take hold of the cane before it hits the floor. If he catches it, he becomes the center player. If he fails to catch it, he returns to the circle.

Cereal in the Nose

Things Required:
  • KIX Cereal (or similar)

Game Instructions

Find cereal consisting of large round spheres (like KIX).

Choose a starting line, have players line up single-file behind it. Give the front player a piece of KIX cereal. They must put it in their nose and give a strong blow out their nose (while plugging their other nostril) to shoot the cereal as far as possible.

Whoever shoots their piece of cereal the furthest wins.

Can be helpful to have two teams compete against each other by having two lines instead of one. (Can have multiple rounds). The team who has the person with the greatest distance is the winner.

Cheeto Toss

Things Required:
  • Cheetos, shaving cream, towel (for clean up), goggles (optional)

Game Instructions

One person has shaving cream put on face. Rest of team throws cheetos at their face. At the end of five minutes, the number of cheetos stuck on their face is the number of points. Throwers must stay behind the line and may not go in front of the line to retrieve fallen cheetos.

Circle Dodgeball

Things Required:
  • Ball

Game Instructions

Players stand in a circle. One player starts with the ball and throws it at another player. Player must catch it and throw it at another. If the ball touches a player and they do not catch it, that player is eliminated. If a player throws it and it does not hit a player, the thrower is eliminated.

Players must throw the ball with two hands and may not raise it above their head to throw. Players may not move their feet (other than to make the circle smaller when a player is eliminated).

Players may not throw the ball at the person directly beside them (unless there are 4 players or fewer remaining).

Circle Soccer

Things Required:
  • Soccer ball

Game Instructions

Players form a circle, with all the players facing the center of the circle. All players should have their feet spread so there is about 3 feet from leg to leg. Player’s feet should be right up against the feet of the person standing next to them.

One player starts by holding a soccer ball and throwing it across the circle, trying to get the ball through another person's legs. The person who the ball is thrown at is trying to block the ball from going in between his or her legs.

If the ball does go between a players legs, that player then has to turn around so they are facing out from the center of the circle. That player then continues playing but has to play backwards.

If a backwards player has the ball go between their legs, they are then eliminated from the circle.

If the ball goes in the opening between one person and the next, both of the people it went in between must go to the next step (either face backwards or out, depending on their current step). As a result players are trying to defend not only between their legs but also working with their neighbor to defend the space next to them.

Players may not throw the ball between the legs of the people standing directly beside them.


Things Required:
  • stations

Game Instructions

We have numerous stations set up, and a staff member at each one dressed up as a character (like professor plum, Mrs. white etc.). In cabin groups, the campers go to any station they want, but only one cabin can be there at a time. The counselor will have a task that the campers have to do (i.e., sing a song, make a cheer, get 3 baskets etc.) one they finish the task they can ask 1 question, just like in clue, for example, professor plum, in the archery field with a canoe paddle. If the counselor has one of those things on the list (that they get from the person who planned it) they tell the kids... our version is just like the panel game but campers go to diverse stations in the camp, and we transform the places, weapons (like canoe paddles and other camp things) and make it a kidnapping as a substitute of a murder.


Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

A facilitator calls out different numbers. Players must get in groups of however many people the facilitator calls. Players who cannot successfully find a group are eliminated.

It is important for the facilitator to have helpers in the crowd to help call players out.

Counselor Hunt

Things Required:
  • Counselors

Game Instructions

A definite number of counselors hide from view in the camp (we use like 6-10 but we are a smaller camp). The campers are in a definite area until the counselors are hidden. The campers go around in cabins with a counselor, and try and find all the counselors hidden, and every time they discover one they get them to sign their (the campers) sheet. The cabin that gets all the signatures first will win the game.

Count the Fingers

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Players find a partner and face each other. Each player puts their hands behind their back. On the count of three both players put their hands in front of them with a number of fingers up. The first one to say the total number of fingers up (their own hand plus their partner's) wins.

This game works well with a large group of people if the facilitator says once you have lost, sit down, and winners, continue finding other people standing up until there is one winner remaining.

Cracker Whistle Relay

Things Required:
  • Saltine crackers

Game Instructions

10 players who can whistle line up in a row. The first player must eat three crackers and then whistle so that the leader can hear it. The next person then eats three crackers and does the same. Whichever team makes it through everyone first is the winner. (Leaders could think about finding an alternative option for players who cannot whistle - such as spitting a certain number of times).

Dizzy Stick

Things Required:
  • A stick for each player.

Game Instructions

Players pick up a stick, and when the facilitator says go, they hold it up high and spin in 20 circles looking at the stick. Then they must run, reach the location previously specified, and run back to the facilitator. First one to tag the facilitator upon returning wins.


Things Required:
  • Dodge balls

Game Instructions


Players are split into equal halves and dodgeballs are placed on a center line. The facilitator says go and players rush forward, grabbing dodgeballs and throwing them at opponents. If a player is hit, he or she is out. Players who get out form a line in order of how they got out. If a player catches a ball, the next person in the line of people who has been eliminated is back in the game and the thrower of the ball is out.


Each team has one medic. When players get out, instead of going to the side they simply sit down. When the medic touches them, they are back in the game. If the medic gets out, players can no longer be healed. Before the game begins the facilitator makes sure both teams know who the other team's medics are.

Mystery Medic

Same as above but teams do not share with the other team who their medic is. Medics then try to heal without being obvious and thus giving away their role to the opposing team.

Wounded Soldier

When players get out, they must sit down (on their bottom) where they were hit. They may still throw balls that role to them and get people out. If a sitting player catches a ball from an opposing player who is still standing, the thrower is out and the sitting player is back in.


One player is selected as a team's president. The facilitator tells both teams who the opposing president is. A team loses if their president is eliminated.

Statue Dodgeball

Two equally-sized figures (plastic statue of a character, etc) are found. One figure is placed on either side of the dodgeball court. A team is eliminated if their figure is knocked over by the opposing team (or if all their players are eliminated).

Dodgeball Free-For-All

Things Required:
  • One dodge ball

Game Instructions

First establish a set of boundaries, preferably in a large circle about 20 yards in diameter. To start the game, the single dodge ball is thrown in the air and allowed to bounce three times. After the third bounce anyone is allowed to grab the ball.

Within the boundaries, the player with the ball can only take three steps. From there the player must throw the ball at another player. If they are hit and do not catch the ball, they are eliminated and must leave the playing field. If they catch the throw, the thrower is out. Once a player is eliminated, all of the players they previously eliminated are back in the game. The only way to win is to eliminate every player in the game without going out.

1. If the game is taking too long, make getting out permanent 2. Create teams of 3 for team dynamics 3. Include multiple balls if game has higher number of people

Doggy Doggy Where Is

Things Required:
  • Prop for a bone

Game Instructions

The group stands in a circle. One person is chosen as the dog. The dog closes their eyes and someone from the circle is pointed at (by the facilitator) to be the stealer. The stealer takes the bone from the blind dog, and says in a disguised voice \'Doggy Doggy Where’s Your Bone\'. Then they return to the circle. The facilitator then tells the dog to open their eyes. Everyone else stands with their hands behind their back and the dog has to guess which person took the bone. Once they guess, the person who stole the bone becomes the dog.

Doughnut String

Things Required:
  • string, doughnuts

Game Instructions

Hold a string between two people. Put doughnuts on the string (one for each person playing). When the facilitator says go, whichever person eats their doughnut first wins. Players are not allowed to use their hands.

Dutch Auction

Things Required:
  • Auction items

Game Instructions

Campers get a maximum time of about 8-10 minutes to grab whatever thing they have that can fit in a pillowcase. Then they sit in groups and the auctioneer asks for an item, e.g. a white sock. Then there are points for everybody with a white sock and points are there for inventive efforts. Say they ask for the longest shoelaces, its fair game for the cabin or groups to tie everyone's shoelaces together to make one really long pair. Or a similarity of someone famous, maybe from a book cover, or dressing up a camper. Then there are fun ones like, smelliest feet (points if they smell, extra if their smelliest) loudest burp, best Elvis impression, best animal noise, etc. At the end most points win a prize or if you are earning for a pointed game afterward, everyone keeps their scores. It may in reality work better in mixed age groups, and smaller groups.

Earth Ball Square

Things Required:
  • 3 to 6 big earth balls (giant air filled balls that are anywhere from 3-8 feet tall)

Game Instructions

Divide the players into four teams. Each team stands on a different side of a giant square formation (size of square depends on number of players).

Number off the players in each team so that each team has 3-6 players (depending on size of group) with the same number. Put earth balls in middle of square. Call out numbers and players run into middle and attempt to get the earth balls air born and over the team line of any team but their own.

Players still on line may defend so long as they do not step into the square.

Egg Drop

Things Required:
  • raw egg, egg protecting materials

Game Instructions

Teams (or individuals) build a protective shield around their egg out of the materials they are given within a predetermined time span. When time is up, the eggs are dropped from a medium height. Least damaged eggs result in winners.

Elbow Tag

Things Required:
  • Persons

Game Instructions

Each person finds an associate and they position together with elbows joined. Each team spreads out all the way through the playing area. The organizer picks one pair to be the first players involved in the pursue; one will be the runner and the other will be the chaser. In case the chaser catches the runner, they exchange roles. If the runner chooses, they can catch elbows on any end of the any pair's positioned in the playing area. When this takes place, the person in the pair who has not been captivated onto must run and become the new runner. This game becomes moderately exhilarating as long as no one stays the runner for too long time. Leaders should smooth the progress of the flow of game if this happens. Variations - Three persons in a group can be linked up. Where one will be the chaser and other two will be runners.

Elves, Wizards, Giants

Things Required:
  • Rock, papers, scissors

Game Instructions

This is approximately to rocks, paper and scissors but with events. The way it is played is like this: the giants tread heavily the elves, the elves run after the wizards, and the wizards zap the giants. There will be two teams on reverse sides of a line. Every team will make a decision on an action to be taken. Each team member should agree on what action they would like. When three is counted each side performs their procedures. Whoever wins will then be chasing the other team and tags as a lot of people as they can. The purpose is to get all and sundry on one side of the line.

Find the Leader

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Players sit in circle. One player is asked to leave the room. While that player is gone the group decides on who the leader will be for the round. Player outside the room is then allowed back in.

Everyone sitting in the circle then must imitate whatever the leader does (arm motions, facial expressions, etc), but tries not to make it obvious who the leader is.

The player who was outside the room then stands in the center of the circle and tries to guess which player is the leader (by attempting to see who the other players are taking cues from). Player gets 3 guesses. Leader then becomes player who goes outside for the next round.


Things Required:
  • Paper, pens, one bucket, timer.

Game Instructions

At the beginning, each player writes down 3 names that everyone would know on a small piece of paper, then folds those papers in half and puts them in a bucket.

Two even teams are then formed. Teams should sit next to teammates forming a semi-circle (and a complete circle with both teams).

One team begins and the first person draws a name from the bucket and tries to get teammates to guess what it is (details described later). If guessed correctly, the person takes the paper out of the bucket and passes the bucket to the next person. The more correct guesses means the more points a team gets.

After one minute, the other team gets to do the same. Following that, it goes back to the first team and the two teams alternate until all of the papers are gone from the bucket.

These small sessions are a part of a larger round. A round is defined as the time from a full bucket to an empty bucket. There are three total rounds and each round has unique rules for guessing what's on the paper.

Round 1: Player may say everything but the name on the piece of paper.
Round 2: Player may act out anything but may not say a word.
Round 3: Player may only say one word. Nothing more. No actions allowed.

At the end of round 3, whichever team has won more names throughout all 3 rounds is the game winner.

Flip the Cup

Things Required:
  • 50 plastic cups

Game Instructions

The facilitator puts a bunch of cups on their side all over a room. The facilitator then divides the group into two teams. The facilitator tells one team to flip the cup so that it is upright, while the other team wants to flip the cups upside-down.

Players may not hang on to a cup - they may only touch it to quickly flip it. Players may flip a cup that has already been flipped by the other day.

The facilitator says "go" and players begin flipping cups to match their teams' goal.

After 5 minutes, the facilitator says stop. Each team gets 1 point for a cup matching their team's goal. (Being exact on this count is not nearly as important as just having fun.)

(It is helpful to give a warning that destroyed cups will cost a team 5 points for whoever destroyed it.)

Four Corners

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

One person is selected to be the "picker" and they are placed in the middle of the room - blindfolded.

The four corners in the room previously are given a number (1-4). Upon the start of the game, players have 30 seconds to go to one of the corners of the room. After the 30 seconds is up, the picker says one of the numbers. Whoever is in the corresponding corner is eliminated from the game.

Players then have 30 more seconds to select a new (if they wish) corner. The picker then again says one of the four numbers. This process continues until there is only one player left (or when there are a few left if the facilitator decides there can be multiple winners).

Four on the Couch

Things Required:
  • Paper, pens, and couch (optional)

Game Instructions

The purpose of the game is to get everyone from your gender in the four seats on the couch (or position on the floor).

Players sit in a circle. One chair, or spot, in the circle should be open.

Have everyone write their name on a piece of paper. Collect the papers and pass them out again so that everyone has a paper with someone else’s' name on it. Players should not show anyone who they have.

The player to the left of the open spot says someone's name. Whoever is holding onto the paper with that name must get up and move to the open spot. Then the player who moved must trade papers with the person who called the name.

The player sitting to the left of the new open spot then says the next name and the process continues.

By memorizing who has what name and what the names are of those on the couch, players try to get their gender to occupy all four seats on the couch. When gender does this successfully, they win.


Things Required:
  • None (props are optional)

Game Instructions

3 players start by acting out an event. At any point, an audience member can yell "freeze" and the actors must freeze where they are.

That audience member then comes on stage, taps the shoulder of the person to swap with, and the audience member then becomes an actor, assuming their role.

The new member must be the first one to talk and must change the scene in some way.

(Example: Three people are acting out a football game. An audience member yells freeze, takes the place of the person throwing the football, and then starts the scene as if she is about to throw the flowers at a wedding.)

Freeze Tag

Things Required:
  • tag

Game Instructions

It is a customary match of tag with one person in it. With the purpose of that person tagging everyone and if they get tagged, they are freeze up. The single way to get unfrozen is to have a person who is not in it and makes a move at a snail's pace under your legs.

Gold Rush

Things Required:
  • tag

Game Instructions

Campers set out in the camping region and make an effort to locate as much gold (usually spray painted rocks) that has been buried

Greased Watermelon Football

Things Required:
  • Swimming area, watermelon, Crisco, two baskets

Game Instructions

Take a watermelon and put Crisco on it until it is nice and slippery. In about 4 feet of water, place two buckets 100 feet apart or so. Weight the buckets to the bottom with rocks.

Divide the players into two equal teams. The goal of the game is to get the watermelon into the opposing team's bucket. Players try to grab it and move through the water with it while other players try to tackle them/rip the watermelon away. The team that scores the most points in the given time period wins.

It can be helpful to have an extra watermelon (or 2 or 3) just in case it breaks.

Some helpful rules are:

2. No biting/scratching/kicking
3. No going in less than 3 feet of water (watermelon can break easier when out of water)


Things Required:
  • Cheap plastic flash light that easily comes apart and reasembles, large building with many rooms and

Game Instructions

All players gather in one room. One or two players volunteer to be the Grogs and take the flashlight and leave the room.

The Grogs open the flashlight and remove batteries and hide them in relatively hard places but still visible.

Once ready, the rest of players emerge and run around trying to find and asseble the flashlight.

The Grogs run around tagging people to delay the flashlight from being put together. Once tagged, players are frozen untill someone unfrozen tags them. If all youth are tagged at same time the Grogs win.

Gun Name Game

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Players stand in a circle. A facilitator calls out one of the name of someone in the circle.

The person who gets called tries to duck quickly. The two people on either side of him or her turn towards that person and make a shooting motion and sound.

If the person fails to duck in time, they get shot and are eliminated from the circle. If they do duck in time, whichever of the two shooters shot last is out (as the "bullet" would have gone over the ducked persons head and hit them).

In the end, two people remain. Rock Paper Scissors or the game "Star Wars" can be a good way to resolve this.

Hospital Tag

Things Required:
  • tag

Game Instructions

The essential regulations are as similar as tag. One person will be Mr. Yuck and the others will run. When you get caught you may cover up your wound with one of your hands. When you get tagged for the second time, you may cover your wound with your other hand. The third time if you get tagged, you are out.

Human Etch-a-Sketch

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

A number of teams are first formed (at least 5 members per team). One neutral judge then calls out some object (i.e. sailboat, state of Michigan, etc) that all the teams need to form with their bodies.

Team members must lay down and together with the help of their team, form the object together which the judge has called out. The judge decides which team is first in the formation of the object. The judge declares that team to be the winner for that round.

Human Foosball

Things Required:
  • tag

Game Instructions

They consists of 2 teams, on each team they hold hands in rows of 3 or 4.They choose 1 person to be a goalie, and face the other team (it will look like an foosball table setup)they got to stay behind holding hands, at the same time as only moving side to side to kick the ball. The team, which gets the ball past the goalies the majority time, wins!!!

In the Park

Things Required:
  • None.

Game Instructions

Facilitator asks group to form teams of 3. A designated area is then defined as the "stage" and all the teams line up, one behind another, to the right of the "stage".

The facilitator asks the groups all together what location they are at. The original location is the "park" but it can be anywhere - a school, country, planet, etc.

When the facilitator says go, the facilitator starts counting down from 5. During this time the first team has 5 seconds to run on stage and perform their action and get the facilitator to guess what they are doing. Things like throwing a baseball or reading a book are actions the team might perform.

If the facilitator fails to guess what they are doing, that team is out and must sit down. If the facilitator guesses it correctly, that team must run to the back of the line and the next team immediately comes on stage as the facilitator again starts counting down from 5.

One more rule that can make things helpful is that teams are not allowed to repeat actions (or else they are eliminated).

The last team left that is not eliminated is declared the winner.

Kung Fu

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Players stand in a circle with both their hands in the middle. Everyone says "Kung FU!" and then strikes a kung fu pose.

One person starts, and they have one movement to try and hit anyone in the circle's hand. Once they've made that one movement, they cannot move again unless it's their turn or someone attacks them. If someone attacks you, you're allowed one movement to avoid them hitting your hand. If your hand is hit, you're out. Move around the circle clockwise.

If you fall, you're out. You can use your turn to reset yourself if you're in an unstable kung fu position. You are allowed to move your feet, however, it has to be in one movement.

The faster this game moves, the more fun it is.

This game can be played inside, outside, with very few or a lot of people. It's great when you have a few minutes you need to kill.

Link Tag

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

All players find a partner and link elbows with them. These pairs spread out around the playing area.

The facilitator selects one pair and within that pair selects one person to be "it" and the other person to be the "chaser".

The "it" person runs around throughout the pairs. The "it" person can, at any time, link up with any pair. If the link person joins a pair, the person on the pair who the "it" member did not link with must separate from the chain and now be "it".

If the "it" person is ever tagged, they become the chaser and the other person becomes the "it". That other person is then free to join a pair, causing another player to split off and be the new "it".

Game lasts until facilitator says it's over.

It can be helpful for the facilitator to watch carefully and manage potentially confusing situations, specifically when the "it" person thinks they have linked up and the "chaser" thinks they have tagged them just before linking (creating two people who think they are "it").

Look Up Look Down

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Players stand in a circle, all with their heads looking down. The facilitator yells "look up".

All players look up at someone else (they cannot change who they are looking at after they look up).

If two people happen to be looking at each other (i.e. make eye contact), they both have to scream. Whoever screams last is eliminated from the circle. If someone screams when they are not making eye contact with anyone, they are also eliminated.

The facilitator then says "look down" and everyone looks down. The facilitator then says "look up" and the process continues. The game continues until there are only two players left.

When there are only two people left, rock paper scissors or the game "Star Wars" can help pick a winner.

MM Wars

Things Required:
  • Two buckets, string, facepaint, and a few bags of MMs.

Game Instructions

Like in capture the flag, teams are divided into two groups on two sides of a playing area. Some sort of identifiable boundary is down the middle, separating the two sides. (It is often helpful to have facepaint for the teams).

In the back of each team's side there is a bucket with a string placed in a circle around it. The string should have a diameter of about 10 feet.

Each player is given an MM at the start of the game. The goal for the player is to place their MM in the opposing team's bucket. The string around the bucket marks the safe zone which if a player gets to, they are safe. The player must get to the opposing team's bucket without being tagged.

Players may only be tagged if they are on the opposing team's territory. If the player gets tagged by a member of the opposing team, they must give their MM to the person who tagged them and that person must eat it. The player who was tagged and lost their MM must return to the boundary line in the middle where there is a facilitator with the bag of MMs. The facilitator gives that player a new MM and the player continues playing.

At the end of the game, whichever team managed to get more MMs into the opposing team's bucket wins.

Movie in a Minute

Things Required:
  • None (props optional)

Game Instructions

Group breaks into teams of ideally 4-6 people per team. Each team has around 8 minutes to come up with a minute long skit they want to present. The skit should represent a movie which the audience will try to guess. The skit should last no longer than one minute.

When the time is up, the large group reconvenes and each team presents their movie in a minute skit.

For added fun, give teams bizarre props and require that they use them in some way.

Multiple Sponge Relay

Things Required:
  • Sponges

Game Instructions

On one finishing of the line there is a container packed with water, and at the supplementary end, an unoccupied bucket. Each is being supervised by a counselor. Team members will sit one at the back of the other in stripe linking the two buckets. At the beginning, the counselor dips the sponge in the water, and then the campers get ahead of the sponge back over their heads to the empty bucket at the other end. The counselor at the empty bucket squeezes the water out of the sponge, and then passes it back to the front of the line. All sponges can be passed back and forth at the similar time. You need not have to wait for one to come back to pass the subsequent one. The team which fills their empty bucket first wins the game.

Musical Paper Plates

Things Required:
  • Paper Plates

Game Instructions

Spread paper plates out around the room. Have the players for a big circle around them and begin walking in a circle. When the music stops, players must run and sit on a paper plate.

Have one less plate than players. Whichever player fails to sit on a paper plate is eliminated.

Take a paper plate out and restart the next round. Play until there is only one player left.

Nerf Ball Relay

Things Required:
  • Nerf ball

Game Instructions

Each team selects 15 people for the relay, and splits those people into groups consisting of 3 members. Immerse the Nerf ball into the bucket of water. Each group of 3 carries the ball by means of their foreheads, forming a circle around the ball by joining their arms around one another. The group takes the ball to the other side of the field, in the region of the cone and again back to the starting point. The teammates of the group can not use their hands to carry the ball. If the ball fells down, they must bring to a standstill moving, elect to choose up the ball, and place it again in between their foreheads previous to their moving again. Once the group proceeds to the starting point, the ball is dished into the water again, and then the next group of three goes. Carry on with this pattern until all the groups have gone.

Newspaper Game

Things Required:
  • Each team gets 1 newspaper, 1 pen, and a few pieces of paper.

Game Instructions

Before the group the leader goes through the newspaper and makes up questions that can be answered by reading the newspaper.

(Example: what is the projected low temperature in New York today?)

As play begins the teams (~10 people) spread the pages of the newspapers amongst themselves. The leader then asks a question and the each student searches through the page or pages of the newspaper that he or she has. When the answer is found they write the answer down and the first team to put the correct answer in the leaders hand wins a point.

Tip: Make one question from each page of the newspaper.


Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Have all the players stand up. If they get out, have them sit down.

The game is a variation of "Simon Says". Options are limited however to the following moves:

1) Up (players put their hands outstretched in front of them, palms up)
2) Down (players put their hands outstretched in front of them, palms down)
3) Nose (players put their hands on their nose)
4) Lobes (players put their hands on their earlobes)
5) Bows (players put their hands on their elbows)
6) Nibble-T-Bibble (players form a gun symbol - like an "L" - out of each hand and wave it back and forth in front of them)

The facilitator of this game uses these 6 actions with the word "order" in front of the word. If the facilitator says order and the players do it, they have done the right thing. If the facilitator does not say order but the players do it, they are out and must sit down. (i.e. "order up" the kids would put their palms up, but if the facilitator just said "up", any players who put their palms up would be out)

It is helpful to have a practice round before starting to allow the players to get used to the rules.


Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Players stand in a circle. Players take turns, going around the circle.

The player who is up can make one quick motion in order to slap the hand of another player. The motion must last not much more than 1 second. The player freezes in the position he or she ends in.

The player being assaulted must try, also with one quick move, to evade being hand-slapped. This move must also last not much more than 1 second and the player then freezes in whatever position he or she ends in.

If a players' hand is slapped, they are eliminated from the circle. If a players' move is not swift and quick, they are eliminated from the circle.

Optional: Players are eliminated if they try to evade an attack when the attacker was really attacking someone else.

Object Toss Name Game

Things Required:
  • Throwable Object (such as ball or shoe)

Game Instructions

Players form a circle.

The first round, the facilitator gives one player the object and tells them to throw it to a player at another point in the circle and, while they throw it, say that players' name (tell them it's okay to ask what other peoples' names are).

That player then throws it to someone else, saying their name. This process continues until everyone has had it thrown to them, at which time it comes back to the original thrower.

After this first round, players are challenged to go as fast as they can. The facilitator, or some other designated player, times the players to see how long it takes them to complete the circuit.

Upon finishing, the facilitator challenges them to be able to do it in X amount of time. (usually a few seconds short or what they completed it in). The facilitator can ask the group if they have any ideas for how to make it go faster.


Things Required:
Game Instructions

Two people are selected to be the octopuses. They got to stand in the middle of the field. All the campers are assembled on one side. The counselor in charge calls octopus and the campers all have to run from one side to the other in attempt to not get caught by the octopus. If they get caught they must sit down and turn out to be seaweed, significantly they can tag anyone if they run by them, but they cannot move about from where they are sitting, they can tag only by using their hands. The last person who is not caught becomes the winner.

Paper Maze

Things Required:
  • Paper

Game Instructions

The leader gathers a bunch of paper and lays them out in a grid on the floor (5 x 5, 8 x 8, etc - the larger the more difficult).

The leader then takes another piece of paper which the players never see and draws a representation of the grid on the paper. The leader then draws a route that is the correct way through the paper maze.

The leader then asks all the players to circle up around the grid on the floor. After explaining the object of the game, the leader says that there are two rules. First, that no one may talk. Second, that the only word the leader may say is no.

A player the leader selects starts and begins by stepping onto one of the papers on the perimeter of the grid. If the player stepped on the same piece of paper that the leader marked as the start, the leader remains silent and the player has a chance to take another step. If the player steps on one of the papers that is not the starting page, the leader says no and the player returns, and the next player in the circle gets up.

Players slowly, with guessing, make their way through the maze, having to remember the path that the previous players took. Players continue going one after another from around the circle until the maze has been solved.

Paper Plates

Things Required:
  • Paper plates and markers.

Game Instructions

Sit comfortably in a circle and relax in a room. Each person is given a paper plate and some markers. That person then writes their name on the paper plate.

After everyone has their name written, everyone passes their paper plate one person to the left. Each person writes a note (or one positive adjective) on that person's paper plate that they think describes the owner of the plate. Then then pass the plate to the left again and the process continues.

This continues until everyone receives their own paper plate back, filled with encouraging messages and words about the strengths their peers see in them.

Pictionary Relay

Things Required:
  • List of objects to draw, one pen for each team, paper for each team.

Game Instructions

Teams are formed at the start of the game. The facilitator tells each team to get a player ready who is going to start.

When the facilitator starts the game, that first player runs to the facilitator to get the first word. The player then runs back to his team and tries to draw that word out. When any of his or her teammates guess the word, a different player can run up to the facilitator to get the second word and repeat the process.

The team that draws and guesses all of the facilitator's words first is the winner.

Note: For facilitators, it can be helpful to have the person running up tell you the previous object they drew so that it is clear which object they should next be assigned.

Pizza Shop

Things Required:
  • Pizza makers

Game Instructions

Two people (pizza makers) positioned in the middle of the gym and the rest of the players stand at the back of a line at one end of the gym. The coordinator goes down the line and informs them about what topping they are by saying pepperoni, mushroom, or ham. The pizza makers then to call out one topping and those toppings have to run across the gym passing within the safe line. If they get tagged they must discontinue running there itself and sit down. Then they try to tag others that pass them throughout the game. This is continued until there are only two people remaining in the game. Now they will be the new pizza makers.

Pool Clothes

Things Required:
  • Pool, two sets of clothes

Game Instructions

Great game for pool party.

Drop two complete sets of clothes (shirt, pants, socks, shoes) into the deep end of the pool and let them sink to the bottom. Have to players start on the opposite end of the pool.

When the facilitator says go, both players must jump in and swim to the clothes on the bottom and begin putting the clothes on while in the water.

The player who gets their set of clothes on first wins.

(Can separate group into teams and have multiple rounds with the team cheering for their player.)


Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Players sit in a circle. One player is selected at the psychologist and that player must leave the room. While psychologist is gone, facilitator asks group to come up with one problem they all have.

Examples include:

- Everyone is afraid of walls
- Everyone thinks they are on the moon
- Everyone believes they are 3 years old
- Everyone is late for a class

The psychologist outside the room can come in whenever the facilitator says. The rest of the players then must subtly act out or have conversations that give hints about what the problem is. The psychologist gets 3 guesses to identify what the problem is.

Push Wars

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Two people stand an arms-length apart (can actually put hands on other persons shoulders to make sure of the distance). Players should keep their own feet together.

Then players put their hands in front of them, palms facing out. The two players then try to make the other player lose their balance (i.e. move their feet). The only thing players are aloud to touch however is the other player's palms.

It becomes a battle between pushing and not pushing at the right time in order to either push your partner over or, have your partner lunge forwards and fall forwards.

Quarters Up

Things Required:
  • Quarter (or other coin)

Game Instructions

A facilitator stands in front of a group of players explaining he/she has a quarter and will flip it. Students must try and predict if it will be heads or tails.

Players who believe it will land on heads place both their hands on their head. Players who believe it will land on tails place both their hands on their waist.

The facilitator flips the coin and announces the side that wins. Players who chose the wrong side then sit down. Players who chose the correct side remain standing.

Players then can choose their decision for the next flip, and then the facilitator will flip the coin, and those who were wrong that round have a seat. This continues until there is one winner.

For greater student involvement, the facilitator can have a student flip/announce the coin.

Raise the Pole

Things Required:
  • Pole (or long straight stick, or similar)

Game Instructions

Players begin by surrounding a pole that is laying horizontally on the ground. Players all put one finger under pole.

Players must raise pole above all of their heads. If any player loses contact with pole at any point the team must start over.

(Players must work together to not go too fast or too slow)

Reverse Scavenger Hunt

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Split into teams with 6-8 on a team. Each team stands in a corner of a room. Facilitator stands in the center. The facilitator calls out an item. Whatever team gets that item to the facilitator first gets a point.

Examples of items are:

- 3 watches
- 4 cell phones
- a shirt with another language on it
- 3 shoelaces (not in the shoes)
- drivers license
- belly button lint

Whatever team has the most points at the end wins.

River Bank

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Some divider is chosen by the leader. This can be a string on the ground, the change between sidewalk and grass, or the imaginary line that is drawn between two chairs set up.

The leader explains that one side of the line is the "river" and the other side of the line is the "bank". It is essential to be at the right spot at the right time (can make up story about scorpions on the bank at some times and piranhas in the river at others).

Players then line up, shoulder-to-shoulder, on the bank. The facilitator then shouts out one of two commands - "river" or "bank".

If they facilitator calls "river", players must jump forward across the boundary line into the "river". If the facilitator calls "bank", players must jump back to the "bank". The facilitator can call bank or river multiple times in a row.

If a player jumps when they are not suppose to (or fails to jump in an adequate amount of time), they are eliminated from the game. (it can be helpful for the leader to have them come help judge who should be out so as to keep them engaged.)

Rock Paper Scissors Baseball

Things Required:
  • Bases (or something to represent them)

Game Instructions

Set up bases as in baseball.

Seperate into two teams. Each team sends their first player walking from home base going opposite directions.

They must walk heel to toe. When they meet they face off doing rock paper scissor.

The winner keeps walking heel to toe while the other goes back to the end of the line for their team and the next person on their team begins heel to toe and continue.

When a person from either team reaches home they score a point. Team with the most points win.


Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

One person hides. Everyone else searches. When one find the hider, that person hides with them and whoever walking around last loses!


Things Required:
  • Masking Tape, Music

Game Instructions

Have large taped shapes on ground (triangle, square, etc). Have students walk around from shape to shape while music is playing.

While students are walking, stop the music. Students need to quickly get inside a shape. The last few students to make it in a shape are eliminated.

Continue playing until only a few/one student(s) remain.

To make it more competitive, remove shapes between rounds so students have fewer options.

Shuffle your Buns

Things Required:
  • Chairs

Game Instructions

Players start sitting in a circle all facing inward.

One person is selected and stands up in the middle of the circle, leaving one empty chair in the circle.

Person in the middle trys to sit in the empty seat. The people sitting down have to slide to the empty chair to their side.

If the person gets in the seat then whoever was suppose to move now is in the middle.

While playing leader yells switch and the group changes the direction they were moving.

To play as an elimination game have music that when it stops who ever is in the middle is now out.

Sing Your Heart Out

Things Required:
  • Paper and Pens

Game Instructions

Group splits into multiple teams. At least 4 teams are required and ideal team size is 5 - 8 people. The facilitator yells out one word for all the teams to hear. The teams then have 2 minutes to write down all the songs they can think of involving that word. (For instance, if the word is \"love\", the teams may write down \"Can you Feel the Love Tonight\", \"The Barney Song\", \"I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You\").

After the 2 minutes are up, all the teams stand up. The facilitator then points at a team that starts and they need to sing at least 6 words from one of their songs, including the selected word in their song. The facilitator then points at the next team and that team must do the same. The facilitator continues doing, cycling through all the teams, until a team either repeats a song or does not have a song to sing. If this happens, the team must sit and the remaining teams continue on. The last team standing wins.

Skits in a Bag

Things Required:
  • A bag containing an assortment of items that could be used as props.

Game Instructions

Players divide into teams of 4-7 people. The facilitator gives each person 3 props and tells the team they need to develop a skit.

It can be helpful if the facilitator gives some options for the storyline. Things like (worst day ever, treasure hunt, or school dance).

The facilitator should tell the teams they have 20 minutes to be ready to give the skit.

After 20 minutes, everyone gathers around and the teams present their skits in front of the other teams.

Smelly Breath

Things Required:
  • Food items, blindfolds

Game Instructions

Two or three players are invited to the front and given blindfolds. An additional player (one for every player on stage) is selected. That player comes up, eats a given food item, and then blows/breaths onto the other player.

Whichever player can identify the most food items wins.

Ideal food items include:
1. Graham Cracker
2. Onion
3. Oreo
4. Sour Cream and Onion Chips
5. Black Licorice
6. Garlic

Note: Provide a disclaimer on the front-end before asking players to volunteer due to the nature of the game.

Smurfs and Gargamels

Things Required:
  • teams

Game Instructions

In this game we have two teams positioned on the opposite sides of the playing area. The one team is known as smurfs and gargamels are the other team. The smurfs make an effort to tread softly to the gargamels. A neutral person will shout, smurfs are here. The gargamels then twist around and have to attempt to tag the smurfs. The smurfs have to run back to their side. The last smurf who stands till the last wins the game. Variation - Red Light Green Light

Snake Tag

Things Required:
  • 4 groups

Game Instructions

Start the game with three to four members in a group. Try to get a lot of groups as possible and leave a person as it is. Have the members of each group put together collectively by holding onto the waist of the person in front of them to make the appearance of a snake. The person in front is the head and the person at the back forms the tail. To begin, the person that is it must catch the tail of one of the snakes of other teams and get attached it his tail. If he does it successfully, then the head of other teams snake must come off and he is now the head. You got to twist and turn to keep your snake away from loosing your head.

Sock Wars

Things Required:
  • Ensure players are wearing socks

Game Instructions

Goal is for players to get the socks off other players while keeping their own socks on. Players must stay inside a predefined area.

If a player loses both his/her socks, that player is eliminated. Players may not touch their own socks (may not put their own socks back on or pull up a 1/2 taken off sock). Players may not tackle other players.

The last player with a sock remaining wins.

(Tip: If the game is going too long, eliminate all players who do not have both socks on.)

Sponge Relay

Things Required:
  • Sponge

Game Instructions

All players of the team line up at the back of the bucket of water. Counselors are at the supplementary end of field, on all four sides, with the cans latent on their backs. The first player dips his/her sponge into the bucket of water, then runs towards the counselor and squeezes out his/her sponge water into the can. Runner then runs again towards the water bucket and hands over the sponge to the subsequent person in line who repeats the same process. The team which fills the can first wins the game.

Star Wars

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Players find a partner. The two players each form a gun ("L shape") out of their hand and grab the hand of their partner (index finger is outstretched for each).

When the facilitator says go, each person tries to touch the other person's body with their outstretched index finger.

The winner is whichever person first tags the other.

For larger groups, this game can be played as a round-based elimination game (all the winners play other winners), until there is only one player left.

Streets and Alleys

Things Required:
  • Runner

Game Instructions

First you must choose someone who would be the chaser and have somebody be the runner (the one to be chased). Arrange the rest of the groups up side by side in even rows. Everyone within the rows must join hands. One of the people standing in line needs to be the caller who will shout out streets or alleys. Start playing the chasing game that you normally would do, the runner and chaser must hang about among the people in the rows. The caller at anytime can screech out ALLEYS and everyone holding hands of others will leave their neighbors hands and take a quarter turn to their left and join hands with the new neighbors. The caller can at any time yell STREETS at any time he wants. Once more you take a quarter turn and holds hands again. Throughout this time the chaser and runner are still playing the game and they carry on to chase and run at the same time as the caller goes on calling alleys or streets. The game continues until the chaser catches the runner. Then you can select any otherperson to run, chase and call.


Things Required:
  • Marker

Game Instructions

Five people are selected from a crowd. The facilitator writes one letter on each hand (totaling 10 hands) spelling the word SUMMERTIME. Students then are given 2 minutes to form as many words as possible. Students must put their hands in the correct order for the audience to see in order for the point to be given. For a competitive edge, have two teams compete at the same time.

Talk or Get Squirted

Things Required:
  • Squirt Gun

Game Instructions

Facilitator selects one confident student. Student comes up on stage. Audience shouts out topic and facilitator gives one of shouted out topics to student. Student must talk about topic for 30 seconds without pausing or saying um or er. If student pauses or says um or er, student is squirted in face with squirt gun.

Tennis Two Square

Things Required:
  • Tennis court, bouncing kickball (or similar)

Game Instructions

Split the group into two teams. Each team lines up, single-file, on either side of the tennis court, with the start of the line at the point where the center line connects with the mid-line (middle of the court).

Pick one team to start with the ball. The first person in line must throw the ball and get it to land in one of the front two squares of the opponent's court. After throwing it, the thrower goes to the back of his or her line.

The player on the opposite side must catch the ball before it bounces twice. After catching the ball, the player may not move but must throw it from where it was caught and get it to land in the front two squares of the opponent's court. The pattern continues.

If a player fails to throw the ball into the front two squares of the opponent's court, or a player does not catch the ball before it bounces a second time, that player is eliminated from the game.

The game continues until one team is completely eliminated.

The Backpack Name Game

Things Required:
  • An empty backpack.

Game Instructions

Players sit in a circle facing the center. The backpack is placed in the center of the circle.

The first player states their name and puts an imaginary object starting with the same letter as their name in the backpack (i.e. Ben puts in "beef jerkey"; Sam puts in "smoothies").

The next player tells everyone what all the preceding players have put in their bag, and then what they put in the bag (so that the final person who goes must list everyone's name and object).

The Clap Game

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

A facilitator will stand in front of entire group with left hand out palm up. The right hand will be face down. Facilitator will move right hand from one side to the other crossing over his left hand. Players clap only when the hands cross. If they don\\\'t clap when the hands cross they are out. If the facilitator stops his hand before the hands cross and the players do clap they are out. Players only clap when the hands cross.

Toe Tag

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Two players hold hands with both hands. The facilitator yells go and both players try and tap the top of their opponents toes with their foot.

Game can be played with a large group if facilitator yells switch to have players switch opponents or if winners play winners, losers play losers.

Towel Relay

Things Required:
  • teams of 5

Game Instructions

Each team consists of 20 people to take part in the game, and splits them into four teams of five. To begin, the towel is first soaked in the bucket of water. Any one person of a team will sit on the towel as the other four people of the team will take him/her to the cone and back (everyone should be facing ahead at the entire time of the relay). When one group completes and comes back to the bucket, the towel is dipped once more, and the next group of five repeats the same process until all the groups of the same team have completed the relay. The team which finishes its relay is the winner.


Things Required:
  • Chairs

Game Instructions

Chairs are set up in rows. Each row should have the same number of chairs and all chairs should be next to each other (no aisles between).

When the game begins, all chairs must be filled, plus one person who does not have a chair. This person stands in the front of all the chairs and yells out a number. The number corresponds to the rows (1 is for row one, 2 for row two...).

The row that is called must all run out of the row on the right side, run around the entire group of chairs, and run back into the same row on the same side they ran out of.

Meanwhile, the person in front who yelled the number is racing around the circle to try and get into one of the now-empty chairs.

The person who does not get a chair becomes the new person to call out a number.

The person in front also has the ability to yell Trainwreck in which case all the rows run around at the same time.

Turn Over a New Leaf

Things Required:
  • Blanket (or similar, i.e. carpet circle)

Game Instructions

All players begin by standing on one side of blanket. Players must flip blanket up-side-down without any player touching the floor.

If any player touches the floor, players must start over.

TV Tag

Things Required:
  • movie names

Game Instructions

In this different game, when the person gets tagged by someone, they are frozen and have to sit at that place only. To become unfrozen, someone has to touch them and must call out the name of a TV show (The Simpsons!). A TV show name can only be used only once. Play continues until everyone is frozen. The last person to be tagged is the chaser for the next game. Can also be played by using any other category, i.e. Movie Tag, country's name.


Things Required:
  • water

Game Instructions

One team member sits on the ground at one end of the field while the remaining of the team lines up at the back of the bucket of water. First runner fills the cup into the bucket and runs to team member sitting at other end of the field. When runner reaches the supplementary team member, he/she throws the water onto him/her and shouts as Typhoon. The runner after that takes the place of the sitting member who runs with the cup back to the next person in line. The first team to get each and every one of their teammates through the relay wins the game.

Ultimate Squidbee

Things Required:
  • Dead squid

Game Instructions

Ultimate Frisbee with a dead squid

Wink Em

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Half of the players sit in a circle on chairs. The other half form a circle outside the chairs, each chair having someone behind it. One chair is empty (while still having someone behind it).
When the game begins, the player standing behind the empty chair has to wink at one of the players sitting down. The player sitting down then must try and quickly stand up and go to the open chair.

The goal of the person standing behind the seat of the person winked at tries to tap the sitting down player on the shoulders before he or she can stand up.

If the player stands up without being tagged, they go to the empty chair and the person behind the now-empty chair is the new person winking. If the player is tagged before they are able to stand up, they must sit back down and the same person who winked before continues to.

A helpful rule is to say that players standing behind chairs must keep their hands above the player's head until it's time to tag. This makes it a bit easier for a player to get up without being tagged.

Zip Bong

Things Required:
  • None

Game Instructions

Players stand or sit in a circle. One player starts the game by saying "zip". The starting player specifies the direction he or she is sending the zip. The person next to the starting player then says "zip", as does the following player, and so on. When the noise comes to any player, he or she has the option of saying "bong" instead of "zip" which sends the noise back in the opposite direction.

What makes the game interesting is that players are not aloud to show their teeth at any point in the game (regardless of if the noise is at them or not). Players who show their teeth (or say "zip" or "bong" when it's not their turn) are eliminated from the game.