Futurecamping Blog

Boating Program

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The waters of Washington state are a national and international resource. Recreationally and commercially, these waters contribute to the well-being of residents of the Pacific Northwest. To help maintain this valuable resource, it is essential that all users of these waters, including recreational boaters, recognize their role in keeping these waters clean. Additionally, it's important that boaters operate their vessels in a safe manner to protect themselves and others from needless accidents and injuries.

The State Parks boating program promotes enjoyable, safe, environmentally responsible recreation on Washington's waters in partnership with government, business, educators, citizen action groups and the boating public. Program activities are guided by a citizen advisory committee and, where possible, all boating safety activities occur at the county and city levels. The program provides assistance in training, equipment and materials to local groups in carrying out a network of boating safety education and law enforcement activities.On a statewide basis, the program conducts a targeted boating safety information program intended to increase the safety awareness of specific groups of boaters. The program also works with the U.S. Coast Guard and other states to ensure reciprocity of boating regulations for ease of travel by boaters when crossing state and national boundaries.

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