Friday, October 31, 2008
The students were invited to camp-in at the Saskatchewan Science Centre in Regina. The camp-ins will be an on-going project hosted by SaskWater for schools in its customer areas.
"SaskWater is leading the way to a green and prosperous economy by implementing more sustainable development practices," Minister responsible for SaskWater Peter Prebble said. "At SaskWater, we view a commitment to sustainability as a key element in our work to create a thriving business, a healthy environment, and a promising future for our community."
Following the golden rule of sustainability replacing what you remove and not removing what you can't replace is the central message behind the Saskatchewan Science Centre's newest camp-in project.
"The Sustainability Camp-in focuses on the interdependent relationships between humans and the natural environment," Science Centre Program Director Amber Didow said. "The camp-in explores positive changes being made in Saskatchewan to ensure a sustainable future for our youth."
During the camp-in, students took in a show at the IMAX theatre, explored the benefits of alternate energy, attempted to create an ecosystem, and delved into the remarkable world of microscopic organisms.
Michael Mintenko, an Olympic athlete who teamed with SaskWater in 2004 while training for Athens, was also on hand to speak with the students and share a short film featuring the highlights of his career.
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Camp Votes For Economic Rescue Package, Tax Cuts
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Equally important, this bill addresses the mark-to-market accounting rule that incorrectly undervalued mortgage assets. And, to shore up confidence in our banks, especially for our small businesses, the FDIC limit was increased from $100,000 to $250,000.Unfortunately, some have described the tax items added to the bill as 'pork projects'.They should be ashamed of spreading such blatant lies. Let's look at some of those provisions, like extending the Research and Development Tax Credit. That is not pork. It helps keep jobs in America. Canada has a permanent R&D credit. India and China directly subsidize R&D. If we are going to keep and create good, high-paying jobs we must reenact the R&D credit.Credits for solar energy production and credits to buy an alternative fuel vehicle aren't pork either. I wrote each of these provisions and can unequivocally say they are good for Michigan and good for America. They should have passed on their own, but their inclusion in the economic rescue package is legitimate and necessary.
Still, this bill was far from perfect. But the clock was running down and there was precious little time to diffuse the financial ticking time bomb that could destroy our economy for years to come. Make no mistake: this isn't just about the stock market; this is about jobs and the ability to find work.Don't just take my word for it. Robert Dumont, who is the President of the Farmington Hills based Tooling, Manufacturing and Technologies Association, told the Detroit Free Press earlier this week that many already hard-hit tool and die shops would go under if the credit markets collapse. That is a hit we can hardly afford.The same is true for many students seeking college loans, young couples looking to buy their first home and certainly anyone looking to buy a car or truck.
"Clearly, we had to act, and act immediately. So, I supported the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act. More importantly, I promise my constituents that this is not the end of it. I will continue to push for reforms and greater oversight so that hardworking Americans are never faces with this situation again."
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Food Safety While Hiking, Camping & Boating
Sunday, October 19, 2008
"Keep Hot Foods Hot & Cold Foods Cold"
Whether you are in your kitchen or enjoying the great outdoors, there are some food safety principles that remain constant. The first is "Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold." Meat and poultry products may contain bacteria that cause foodborne illness. They must be cooked to destroy these bacteria and held at temperatures that are either too hot or too cold for these bacteria to grow.
Most bacteria do not grow rapidly at temperatures below 40 °F or above 140 °F. The temperature range in between is known as the "Danger Zone." Bacteria multiply rapidly at these temperatures and can reach dangerous levels after 2 hours.
If you are traveling with cold foods, bring a cooler with a cold source. If you are cooking, use a hot campfire or portable stove. It is difficult to keep foods hot without a heat source when traveling, so it's best to cook foods before leaving home, cool them, and transport them cold.
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CAMP LONG(Located in West Seattle)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Rental facilities include a lodge with one meeting room, kitchen space, 10 cabins, two covered picnic areas, group fire ring, and climbing rock.
A talented staff of naturalists lead group environmental education and rock climbing classes. Programs at Camp Long are fun, interactive experiences for all ages.
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Nuclear Physics Boot Camp Preps Future Scientists
Monday, October 13, 2008
In August 2007, 45 nuclear physics students from eight countries gathered at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University for the one-week Boot Camp to subject themselves to the transformation.
There, the students delved into the world of nuclei, the cores of atoms. The journey of nuclei begins at the cyclotron, an accelerator that speeds isotopes to up to half the speed of light. The nuclei flying out of the cyclotron smash into a target made of beryllium, resulting in millions of flying particles per second containing dozens of different isotopes.
Many nuclear physicists are interested in rare nuclei because they yield unique information from their perch on the edge of nuclear existence, including clues about the structure of these minute particles and hints that reveal secrets about the origins of the elements.
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Tips On Choosing An Appropriate Summer Camp For Your Children
Friday, October 3, 2008
- Is summer camp what I really want for my child?
- Do I want it to be close to home or work?
- Do the hours fit my schedule?
- Would I feel comfortable leaving my child there?
- Can I afford it?
Parents will answer these questions differently according to their situation and the needs of their child. However, there are some basics things that all parents should look for in a camp. The following document, prepared by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Food Safety and Community Sanitation, tells you what some of those things are and suggests how you can find them.
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